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E-Commerce and E-Collectables

Antiques Online Catalogue - http://antiques.imexco.com

Antiques and Collectables web site. It was designed to demonstrate the E-commerce capabilities. Operational since 1998.

Physio-Comp Technologies 

Quantitative and qualitative data compression and encryption. Unique adaptive method for physiological signals data processing.

Data compression removes or minimizes redundancy in a file, which reduces the amount of time needed to encrypt, decrypt and transmit a file. As the demand for digital data communication increases and it is part of our life, data security becomes complex and more important problem. Encryption can be an important tool to help improve data security. Encryption that applied after compression requires additional processing or hardware. It is desired to develop an algorithm that can combine the compression with encryption.

The degree of compression dependent on the usage of the data, that is, we would allow a higher level of compression or some measured loss of data in certain applications where there is a need only for the qualitative use of the data. This is obvious for example in displaying visual data where the original resolution is much higher than the resolution of the display media. On the other hand when the data is to be used for qualitative analysis we cannot allow any loss of data.

Using standard compression algorithms for important data exposes the risk for breach of security. Therefore, adaptive and dedicated compression algorithms are required, which in addition may provide simultaneous encryption for maximum security.

Regional Cerebral Activity

The generation of Regional Cerebral Activity (RCA) signals. Localization of inactive or damaged nerve cells for early detection of brain abnormalities.

Messages (signals) sent by healthy nerve cells (neurons) are different from those sent by damaged, inactive, sick nerve cells. As the local EEG signal is weaker it is absorbed by its neighboring regions and they are not necessarily reflected in the cumulative EEG detected at scalp level by electrodes.

In addition, local, regional nerve cells, which are inactive, damaged or suspected, are sending messages, which may correspond to early warning. These local messages are lost in the total cerebral activity signals. They might be detected at a much later stage when more damaged cells join the region, or when symptomatic effects take place, that is, when it is too late.

We can separate and amplify these local messages and generate a new imaging diagnostic tool for brain mapping of the Regional Cerebral Activity (RCA).

This RCA signal in addition to standard EEG and other Neuro-Clinical findings may enable a more accurate localization of inactive or damaged nerve cells that may lead to the possibility of an early detection of brain abnormalities.

Voice Activated Devices

Voice activated devices using unique security encryption for medical and non-medical applications.

A voice command device (VCD) is a device that can be activated by human voice. It is useful when user is unable to use his hands for various reasons. Some VCDs are speaker-independent, so they can respond to multiple voices, regardless of accent or dialectal influences.

The need for new types of Voice Recognition Algorithms is obvious, especially for certain medical or security related applications.

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) and simulations for medical and other applications.

VR is a technology which enables the interaction with an imaginary or real simulation environment.

The applications are in the medical field, like remote surgery, gaming, industrial and military applications. The demand for new simulation systems is very high.

Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS)

PACS is used in medical applications, such as imaging, pictures generated by multi-modalities have different formats, are stored in various storage media and scattered in different hospital departments.

PACS are computers or networks dedicated to the storage, retrieval, distribution and presentation of those images.

One of the earliest PACS system developed by Dr. Ram was presented at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) scientific meeting, McCormick place, in Chicago, USA in 1981.

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